DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments


About five years ago, one of our neighbors broke into our storage shed. He stole the boxes that had our Christmas decorations. The strands of lights, tree stand, and store-bought ornaments and decor were replaceable. The treasures my kids had made over the years were irreplaceable. I was heartbroken.

Every year my kids and I make Christmas decorations. This year, we are making these super cute DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments

Some of the ornaments and knick knacks were more than twenty years old. Although I cannot get back those handmade keepsakes the kids made, we can make new ones. This year we made these super cute DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments. My oldest daughter lives in Atlanta, and comes up for Christmas each year. When she is here, we will make a few Christmas crafts.

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments fabric close

Homemade ornaments are not only a special memento, but they are so inexpensive. Caitlin and I were at the craft store this weekend and the ornaments were pricey. I cannot see paying almost $10 for a store-bought ornament. Instead, I can make these DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments, which will cost me about $1.00. You cannot beat that, right?!

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments close wreath

So, I am obsessed with Mason Jars, and have written several posts where I used them in a craft or recipe. Two of my favorites are my Strawberry Lemon Shortcake Parfait and my Washi Tape Mason Jar Bands Halloween Wreath. I love to find different ways to use them. When I was looking at the stack of leftover fabric I had, I knew I wanted to use it in a craft. I think the DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments were perfect for that.

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments supplies

What you will need:

  • Holiday inspired fabric
  • Mason Jar lid ring
  • Ribbon or twine
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure or yardstick

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments measure


Step One: Measure and cut fabric strips. Mine are 1″ wide and 4″ long. Of course, you can make yours longer if you want your wreath to be fuller.

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments tie

Step Two: Tie your strip around the ring. I don’t knot mine, but you can do this if you like. For this to work, the fabric strip needs to be at least 5″ long. Continue until the ring is full.

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments ring

Step Three: Cut a length of ribbon approximately 10″ long. Tie it off around the ring. Cover the knotted end of the ribbon with a strip of fabric.

DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornaments ring final

Now you are ready to hand your cute DIY Mason Jar Ring Fabric Wreath Ornament!

What is your favorite handmade ornament? I would love to hear about it!


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