See How Netflix Is Bringing Back The 80s! #StreamTeam

This is a sponsored post from Netflix. However, all my warm and fuzzy feelings about how they are bringing back the 80’s are entirely mine! You know how certain things can bring you slamming back to a certain place or time in your life? Well, I was looking at the new shows streaming on Netflix and saw they are offering some awesome throwbacks from the 80’s. They are streaming a show from 1986-87, The Popples, which is very near and dear to my heart. My oldest daughter was just a wee child during this time and she LOVED The Popples. And I am not just saying she loved the Popples, but was like OBSESSED with them. I am talking like hugging the television and staring at the screen like a mini-zombie.

Netflix Is Bringing Back The 80's 2

While she watched the show, she would clutch her plush of her favorite Popple, Puffball. She took that stuffed toy EVERYWHERE we went. And then the worst thing in the world happened. While we were running errands at the mall, Chelsea had left Puffball in the car, which was wildly unlike her. When we came out of the mall, we couldn’t find the car. After several minutes of frantically searching for the car, we found the door handle where the car had been parked. Someone asshat had stolen our car, along with Puffball. Chelsea was hysterical. We tried to buy her another, but it just wasn’t the same. Of course she got over it eventually, but if you bring it u, to this day, she will get a tiny panic attack! Imagine how excited she will be when I give her one of the cute mini-Popple plush toys I got in my #StreamTeam goody box this month!

Netflix Is Bringing Back The 80s 3

Another favorite series of hers was the Care Bears. She was almost, but not as obsessed about them as she was the Popples. In 1982, the Care Bears was launched with 10 title characters including Cheer Bear, Grumpy Bear and Friendship Bear. Chelsea’s favorite was Tenderheart Bear. In 1984, several new characters were added and were called the Care Bear Cousins. This show is also streaming on Netflix this month, much to the delight of my youngest son. I think it is super cool how Henry can enjoy a cartoon that his older sister watched back when she was his age! I think that would be a bit like serendipity, right?

Feeling nostalic for some of your favorite Saturday morning cartoons? Take a look at how Netflix is bringing back the 80s!

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