Make Someone’s Day With A Teleflora Christmas Bouquet #SendCheer

One of my fondest memories of my childhood centered around “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” My mom and dad would be sitting on the couch and my sister would be laying on the floor at their feet. We would pop some popcorn and drink hot chocolate while we watched our favorite show. It is hard to believe it has been 50 years since that beloved animated show has been around! Well, this year, to celebrate that anniversary, Teleflora and Peanuts are offering something fun and unique to that special someone on your holiday gift list. I mean, who doesn’t love a Teleflora Christmas Bouquet?

Teleflora Christmas Bouquet

Teleflora, who is the world’s leading flower delivery service, is offering two exclusive floral bouquets. These bouquets are perfect for the kids babysitter, your mom, your kid’s favorite teacher or for your home to add some whimsy to your holiday decor.

Teleflora Christmas Bouquet 2

Each bouquet is professionally arranged by a local florist, and comes in a keepsake holiday cookie jar or mug. To celebrate the release of these exclusive bouquets, Teleflora is launching two national TV commercials entitled “Happy Dance” and “Ice Skating.” I think Teleflora has perfectly captured the Peanuts Christmas spirit and sense of nostalgia.

Here is the ad to celebrate the “Ice Skating” bouquet, (which I chose for myself) (ARV $50):

And here is the “Happy Dance” ad for the Snoopy’s Cookie Jar bouquet (ARV $59.95):

You can see the ads on national prime time, cable and syndicated, popular regular season and holiday special programs. The Christmas 2015 bouquets became available for sale on on November 28th. In addition to these adorable Peanuts arrangements, Teleflora also offers several other holiday inspired arrangements. You can order:

Teleflora Christmas Bouquet 3

The Silver and Joy Centerpiece, with prices starting at $69.95, is a table top serving bowl adorned with a metallic snowflake motif. It is filled with fresh red and white holiday florals and fragrant greens, topped with red taper candles and glass ornament balls.

Teleflora Christmas Bouquet 4

You can also order the Sparkling Winter Wonderland, which is available for $54.95 on the Teleflora website. This ornament jar shimmers with a graphic scene of snow-covered pine trees with red roses, white chrysanthemums, fresh winter greens and red Christmas ornament balls.

Teleflora Christmas Bouquet 5

Why not the Send a Hug® Open Sleigh Ride by Teleflora, which retails for $49.95? This adorable pair of snowman are sharing a sleigh ride and will melt hearts of all ages. It is the newest addition to Teleflora’s best-selling Send a Hug® collection, and is filled with red and white flowers, frosted pine cones, peppermint sticks and fresh winter greens. Follow Teleflora on Twitter and like them on Facebook.

Teleflora Peanuts Christmas Bouquet collage

One USA reader will win their choice of either the “Ice Skating” or “Happy Dance” bouquet from Teleflora ARV $55.

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