This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine. We have so many apps now, don’t we? The kid and I all have Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter downloaded on our phones. This means we are using our smartphones more than ever before. I will admit, I am on my iPhone many hours a day. I am working or scrolling through my Facebook feed or taking pictures of the kids. Without realizing it, this can be annoying to the people around me. It makes me wonder. Are you being rude when you are on your cellphone?
Think Before You Hit Send
I bet we have all done it. Sent out that text or tweet when you were angry. The other day, I was watching Caitlin while she was on her phone. She sent a text that was more harsh than she intended. She regretted it the moment she hit send on her phone.
How Much Is Too Much?
Have you ever shared a little too much information online? I have and did not even realize it. I know people who sometimes share information or photos which are inappropriate. We need to remember that with social media, there are people who may be watching your every move. Also check the background of your photos. You may be sharing information that you don’t want others to see. I shared something I shouldn’t have in this post. Can you spot it?
I love that I can download so many useful apps on my iPhone from U.S. Cellular. And with a network that I can take anywhere and get service, I can be on my phone whenever I like. Well, at least within reason! With July being Cellphone Courtesy Month, I thought these tips would be helpful.
Are You Being Rude When You Are On Your Cellphone
According to a recent U.S. Cellular survey¹, 71 percent of smartphone owners get annoyed by the excessive phone use. I get irritated when I am in line at the grocery store and someone is on their phone while they are checking out. Or when someone is sitting close to the kids and I and are talking about inappropriate things. Sorry dude, but I do not want my kids to know all about your sex life! So please, be aware of what is going on around you when you are on your phone. Be respectful of others.
Don’t Share When You Are Emotional
We need to watch what we post. Sometimes we can share inappropriate content on a family friendly news feed. Or we may say something in a way that conveys the wrong message. Don’t post immediately after an emotional event. In the heat of the moment, we can or share something we would not have said in a more calm situation. It is a good idea to take a breath and think before posting on social media.
Get Permission Before you Post
If you want to post photos of friends and family, it is s good idea to ask permission first. We have a family member who does not want to be on social media at all. Also, you may spoil a surprise if you share an exciting announcement before everyone knows. I almost shared the news about a friend who was expecting. She had not told everyone, and I could have really made a mess by sharing that news.
Is It Controversial?
It is hard not to see Facebook statuses and tweets that are conversational. Keep in mind that anything said publicly online can be read by someone not participating in the conversation. Because my feeds are more family friendly, I need to remember not to engage in topics I don’t want them to be involved in. We may say something in jest and they may take it more seriously or take it out of context. When in doubt, just ask yourself; Are you being rude when you are on your cellphone? Be sure to stay current with U.S. Cellular and follow them on Facebook and Twitter. One USA reader will win one $25 Amazon Gift Card. Good Luck!
¹ Between Nov. 10-17, 2016, a total of 701 online interviews were conducted among a nationally representative sample by Consumer Insights, in partnership with Maritz CX.
What are your pet peeves when it comes to cellphone etiquette? I would love to know! Please share in the comments below!