bObsweep Pet Hair Robotic Vacuum And Mop Giveaway

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are 100% mine. About 5 years ago, I was in nursing school and working at a local hospital. I worked on the orthopedic floor, which involved a lot of patient care. It was a physically demanding job, but I was young and in good shape, so I was up for the challenge. That is until I had a patient fall on me, injuring my lower back. Since then, I have had chronic lower back pain. This pain can rank from hardly painful to so painful I could hardly walk. This made taking care of my home nearly impossible. The housework fell to my husband, who was working full time himself. I knew there had to be a better way, but I had no idea what that could be.

bObsweep Pet Hair Robotic Vacuum Giveaway

That is until I heard about the bObsweeo, robotic vacuum cleaner! bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop, Rouge. You can find it on Amazon for $279.00.  Now I can do more of the housework, allowing my husband to take a break! Because most of the house is carpeted, it took a while to get it vacuumed with our traditional vacuum cleaner. With the bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop, I don’t have to bend, lift or push a heavy vacuum around. That’s because the bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop does all the work for me! See for yourself!

We have two cats, so the pet hair can really accumulate quickly. Our black haired cat lays in the hallway, where it is cooler. By the end of the day, there are patches of black hair everywhere. Instead of hauling the old vacuum out, we just turn on the bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop, and all of Hazel’s hair is gone in minutes! Also, my son and husband have allergies, so we have to vacuum a lot. The HEPA filtration on our bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop removes harmful allergens from the air, making it easier for them to breathe.

bObsweep Pet Hair Robotic Vacuum Giveaway 2

With the Personalized cleaning schedule and automatic self-charging features, it is like the bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop anticipates my cleaning schedule! For the laminates and tiles in the kitchen and bathroom, the mop feature on the bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop can clean our floors without lugging a heavy bucket of water and clumsy mop around. When I say our bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop has changed our lives, it is corny but true. And the price is super affordable, so it won’t break the bank or your back! One USA reader will win a bObsweep Pet Hair Robotic Vacuum and Mop ARV $280.

If you won, would you keep the bObsweep Pet Hair Robotic Vacuum or give it to someone else? If so, who and why?

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