DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial

his review is based strictly on my opinion. I was provided the sample free of charge by the company to provide my honest review. No other type of compensation was received. All ideas and opinions are my own. Spring has sprung! As I work, I hear the birds chirping. The sun is shining and it is almost 80 degrees! When the weather is pretty like this, I get inspired to make some some spring and Easter crafts. This year, Caitlin and I decided to make a wreath for the back door. I love how our DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath turned out!

It is a gorgeous spring day here in the south. When the weather is pretty like this, I get inspired to make something for the house. This weekend, Caitlin and I made this gorgeous DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial #ad @orientaltrading

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath inspired by an idea I saw on Oriental Trading, one of my favorite places to shop! When I am in a DIY mood, I know  Oriental Trading has everything I need for my crafting needs.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial

Their products are top notch and the prices are affordable. If I know what my craft project is, a quick search will take me right to the supplies I need. If I need some DIY inspiration, I refer to the crafting section on their website.  Caitlin and I have made several DIY projects inspired by ideas from The Oriental Trading Company

This past fall, we made a beautiful Beaded Pumpkin. It was the perfect centerpiece for our Thanksgiving table. Need some inspiration for a spring craft? Oriental Trading has plenty —-> HERE. Or if you have an Easter craft you would like to make, find several choices ———–> HERE.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial 2

My oldest daughter is getting married in November. We are doing most of the decor ourselves. I was relieved to find  Oriental Trading Company had an entire section dedicated to weddings. We got started with some Mason Jar fun in my post, 7 Ways To Plan A Magical Wedding On A Budget.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial 3

Are you ready to make my DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath? All you need are a handful of supplies from Oriental Trading Company and a few hours! Before you know it, you will have a beautiful wreath for your door or centerpiece for your table.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial supplies

You will need:

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial roses

Step One: Using your wire cutters, cut your rose buds off at the top of the stem. Separate the extra leaves.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial baby breath

Step Two: Using your wire cutters, separate your baby’s breath. Cut the blooms about 2″ down. Snip off the smaller leaves. This makes it easier to stick them into the foam wreath.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial eggs

Step Three: Snap your plastic Easter eggs into place.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial streamer

Step Four: Wrap your paper streamer around the foam wreath. I wrapped mine around twice, but that is optional. Once is fine. Secure the end to the foam wreath with your glue gun or a floral pin.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial gluing

Step Five: Begin gluing your plastic Easter eggs to the wreath. Be careful! The hot glue gun gets hot. I suggest doing a small section at a time and taking a break. We glued eggs to the top, front and inner portion of the wreath. I leave this up to you to decide how much coverage you want. It is a personal choice. This is the most time consuming part. It took about an hour to completely glue all the eggs to the wreath.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial flowers

Step Six: You will have some small “holes” where the eggs you glues did not border each other completely. This is a great place to insert your flowers and greenery.

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial ribbon

Step Seven: Using your ribbon, measure a length suitable to hang on your door. We made ours about 22″. Glue the ends to the back of the wreath. If you like, Make a bow to go at the top of the hanging ribbon. Now you are ready to hang your beautiful DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath!

DIY Floral Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial final

Make sure to stay connected with Oriental Trading on social media through Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Instagram! One USA reader will win a $15 Oriental Trading gift Card.

Do you have any Easter or Spring craft you want to make? I would love to hear about them in the comments below!

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