Directed by Peter Sohn and produced by Denise Ream (“Cars 2”), Disney•Pixar’s “The Good Dinosaur” opens in theaters on Nov. 25, 2015. Pixar Animation Studios takes you on an epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo (voice of Raymond Ochoa) makes an unlikely human friend. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of. In anticipation of the release of The Good Dinosaur, here are some The Good Dinosaur Activity Sheets, pumpkin carving stencils, coloring sheets, connect the dots and a fun maze! This should keep the kids busy for a bit!
Can you spot the difference?
Have the best pumpkin on the block with this stencil!
Can you connect the dots and create a fun picture?
What colors will you choose for these fantastic coloring sheets?
Can you get through this fun maze?
For more information, check out the official The Good Dinosaur website,, like it on Facebook, and follow it on Twitter, and on Instagram.
Which of these The Good Dinosaur Activity Sheets are your favorite?