Beginner Gym Workout For Women + Free Printable

Beginner Gym Workout For Women

This post contains affiliate images or links. I will admit, I have never been very big on going to the gym. After my first daughter was born, I had to lose about 30 pounds.

At the time, my best friend was going to the gym almost every day. She encouraged me to tag along with her and within 3 months, I had lost all of my baby weight.

Ladies! Whether you have 10 pounds or more than 100 to lose, this beginner gym workout for women plus a free printable is the perfect place to start your journey!

Finding Your Reason To Workout

That was the last time I entered a gym until about a year or so ago. After having two more kids,  I need to lose a whopping 80 pounds. I knew I could not do that with dieting alone.

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay

A Workout That Works For You

I joined a gym and went once or twice a week. I felt like a fish out of water and had no idea what I was doing. I happened to connect with a woman who is a professional bodybuilder.

I told her my goals and she helped me create a workout.  She made the perfect beginner gym workout for women.

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay

It Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint

I knew this workout would get me results, but it would take a while to get there. In a society that wants everything now, losing a considerable amount of weight is not going to happen overnight!

I started out slow and worked my way up with my beginner gym workout for women. Now I am more confidant in my gym routine and you will be too!

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Start Out Slow And Work Yourself Up To More

I started out with stretches and then did 15 minutes of cardio by walking on the treadmill. After that, I would choose 3 items from Day 1 and complete 2 sets of 8-10 reps on a low weight. Then I would cool down with 15 minutes of cardio and then stretch it out.

I did this 3 days a week for about 4-5 weeks. I also downloaded the MyFitnessPal app. This helped me track my calories, water, my workout and how many calories I have burned.

This was a huge help! But, a word of advice. Don’t eat those “extra” calories you have after a workout! You won’t lose weight that way!

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Listen To Your Body

My biggest piece of advice would be to listen to your body! This will tell you how when you need to move on to more.

When what you are doing is too easy and you aren’t being challenged, it is time to move up. Add 1-2 items from the list and one day a week.

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay

When You Are Ready To “Graduate”

You will find a time when you are ready to move your beginner gym workout for women to a more advanced routine. That is when you want to get the advice of a trainer.

I go to Planet Fitness where they offer free personal trainer advice. This was also a great help. And you gotta love FREE!

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Making Fitness A Family Thing

On the days I was not at the gym, I would find activities I could join in with the family that would get me moving.

I also started taking a yoga class, which I loved. Fast forward 6 months, and I have been going to the gym 5 days a week and I have lost 14 pounds and 10 inches!

Free Workout Printable

I know how intimidating it can be to start a fitness routine. I just turned 56 this and it has been more than 25 years since I have regularly worked out.

I am so proud of myself! And the best part is this routine is not complicated nor does it take forever.

Beginner Gym Workout For Women Printable

FREE Beginner Gym Workout For Women Printable

Are you ready to workout? Let me share my beginner workout routine for women with this FREE Printable!

It covers four days and gets you in and out of the gym in just an hour! Now I know you have at least an hour to spare!

If you want to go to the gym 5-6 days, just start over on Day One. Get your FREE Beginner Workout For Women printable here————> Download your FREE printable here.

What is your favorite exercise or machine at the gym?

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