How To Get Your Freedom Back From Stress Urinary Incontinence #LifeAfterLeaks

This #LifeAfterLeaks post is sponsored by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, but all gushing (pun intended) about this fabulous product are all mine #CollectiveBais [You must be 21+ years old to try Poise Impressa Bladder Supports.] When I found I was pregnant more than 25 years ago, I could not have been happier…or more frightened! It was our first baby and we had no clue about having or raising them! We were pretty young, so raising this beautiful little girl was a lot of trial and error. Much like it is for many new parents. By the time I had two more babies, I felt like I had my sea legs. You know what else I got from those 3 bouncing babies? Stress Urinary Incontinence. Yeah, you know, that thing that can happen to your bladder after being pregnant and giving birth? Now whenever I cough, sneeze, dance, laugh, or exercise, I leak urine. People tend to make fun of the idea of peeing in your pants, especially my kids! But, I can tell you from experience; SUI is no laughing matter.

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So, what exactly is stress urinary incontinence, what are the symptoms and how can you get a handle on it? Well, this pain in the neck, errr…bladder, issue happens when you do everyday things like laughing, sneezing coughing or exercising. A small amount of urine will leak out. It may not be enough for others to notice, but it is enough to cause you emotional stress, that’s for sure. SUI is found in women, especially in us older gals. It can be caused by things that can weaken your muscles in your pelvic floor or a weakened sphincter muscle at the neck of the bladder. It can be caused by pregnancy and childbirth, menstruation, menopause, or pelvic surgery. I have the double whammy; childbirth and menopause! So when I laugh sneeze, cough, etc., I will experience anywhere from a drop or two of urine to a squirt and sometimes a small stream of urine. Whatever it is, it is absolutely no fun. It is annoying, embarrassing and I am so over it! For the past 10 years or so I have put up with SUI. I have been carrying around fresh underwear and clothes, just in case I have an accident. Let me tell you, I am so tired of dealing with it.

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So how do I deal with SUI? How do I get my freedom back from SUI? I am finally living a “normal” life because I use Impressa Bladder Supports from Poise. Impressa, is a soft flexible, internal device with a non-absorbent outer cover, designed for the temporary management of SUI.I wish I could express to you how grateful I am for this amazing product. It has literally given me my life back. Now when we are sitting around playing “Head’s Up” or “Monopoly” on game night, I can laugh without running to the bathroom and ruining the mood. I can go to the park with the kids and kick around the soccer ball without worrying if there is a bathroom nearby. With the Poise Impressa Bladder Supports, I can focus on what’s really important in my life and not my SUI.

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For women 21 and over, you can buy the Poise Impressa Sizing Kit from your local CVS. The Impressa Bladder Supports come in 3 sizes; 1, 2 or 3. There are 3 sizes because the size you need is not about how much you leak or weigh, but about the best internal fit for you. The Impressa are super easy to use. You just insert them like a tampon, starting with size 1. If you still experience SUI, you move up to size 2 and then up to size 3 if need be. Once you have decided on the size that works best for you, just buy the 10-count pack in your size.

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The unique design allows you to go to the bathroom normally without removing the support. Because you can wear the Impressa Bladder Supports for up to 8 hours in a 24 hour period, you have the freedom to do the things you enjoy and not worry about your SUI. When it is time for a new Impressa Bladder Support, you just remove the one you are wearing, just like a tampon and throw it in the trash. Just remember, you cannot wear the Poise Impressa if you are pregnant. If you have your period, you cannot use the Poise Impressa, as it is not a tampon. Please wait until your period ends to use the sizing kit.

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So, are you ready to “meet” the Impressa Bladder Supports? Check out this introductory video over on the Poise Impressa page. If you are still not sold (which you totally should be by now), then here are some user testimonies to show you how amazing these little babies are! Ready to try the Impressa Bladder Supports for yourself? Save on your Impressa Sizing Kit with this coupon! Please remember you must be age 21 and over to purchase the Impressa Bladder Supports or the sizing kit.

Do you, or someone you know, have SUI? How could using the Poise Impressa Bladder Supports change your (or their) life?

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