5 Ways To Lower Holiday Stress And Maintain Your Health Without Losing Your Mind!

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5 Ways To Lower Holiday Stress

I wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing? I know this time of year can be crazy. It is so easy to run yourself ragged and let your self-care fall by the wayside.

Last year I got pneumonia! My doctor said I was trying to do too much and didn’t take care of myself as I should have. Gah!

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Keep Your Health AND Sanity Intact!

This year, I made a vow to find simple ways to lower holiday stress and maintain my health. After practicing my five tips, I found I was breezing through the holidays with my health and my sanity intact! I wanted to share with you my ways to lower holiday stress that have worked for me! ​

Limit The Number of Gifts: Whew! This is a hard one for me. When I was a kid we didn’t have much money, so my sister and I only got one gift for Christmas.

When I became a mom, I went overboard with my kids. This added stress to me as well as my finances.

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This year, each kid gets one nice gift, one outfit and a few fun gifts. We also made gingerbread cupcakes to give as gifts to friends and family.

What counts is not the amount of gifts they get, but the time we spend as a family. What a great way to lower holiday stress!

Stay Away From The Mall:  In the past, during the holidays, it seemed I was at the mall all the time! Well, now online shopping is the ONLY way I shop! I actually start in the summer, so I can avoid the last-minute rush to buy everyone a gift.

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Make Health A Priority: Because I had pneumonia last Christmas, I missed out on so much! I was too sick to enjoy the bulk of the holiday season. This year, I am getting more rest, drinking more water and exercising.

As an added help I also started taking my supplements. One of my top choices is my Nature Made® Digestive Probiotics + Energy‡† B12 Adult Gummies from Walmart!

Use Gift Cards: In the past, I was against using gift cards. I thought they were a bit impersonal. It made me feel lazy! Well, I have discovered that many people prefer a gift card over a physical gift, including my son. What a time and sanity saver!

Stay Present: Do you ever feel like the holidays went by in a blur? Me too! I was so busy shopping, baking, wrapping presents, etc. This meant I wasn’t present in the moment. I missed the whole point of the season! This year, less business and more enjoying the moments.

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Probiotics. My Gut Healthy BFF!

Do you know what probiotics are? I didn’t until a few years ago, but now I take my Nature Made® Digestive Probiotics every day!

Why? Because they are the “good” bacteria that naturally exist in cultured or fermented foods, like yogurt and certain cheeses.

Good Bacteria?

This “good” bacteria can offer benefits for your digestive system! It elbows those unwanted organisms out-of-the-way and makes room for more of that “good” bacteria to be present in your gut.

This way you up your “good” bacteria intake as well as support your digestive balance and healthy gut flora.† ​

Why You Should Make The Switch

I made the switch when I learned that Nature Made® Digestive Probiotics + Energy‡† B12 Adult Gummies contains 4 billion live probiotic CFUs that help support digestive health and Vitamin B12 that supports‡ cellular energy production.†

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Quality I Can Count On

I care about the quality of the product I purchase. I have trusted the products from Nature Made® for many years. My family and I take many of their vitamins and supplements. Their products are made to the highest quality standards to ensure purity and safety.

And if you are not completely happy with your Nature Made Advanced Dual Action probiotics purchase for any reason, you can send it back for a full refund. Can you believe it?!

I would love to hear how probiotics fit into how you stay gut healthy during the holidays and how you lower holiday stress!

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ǂCellular energy production†


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