Going away for college is a huge milestone for most high-school graduates. A new city, a new school – there are so many changes to go through but it’s all such an exciting adventure. I remember when my oldest went to college almost 10 years ago. She was a whirlwind of emotions. At the drop of a hat, she could go from excited to terrified. The one thing she was initially most excited to do was decorate her dorm room.
The Dorm Life
Living in a college dorm. can take some getting used to. Your dorm room is most likely a smaller space than your room at home. Imagine having your entire home rolled into one 8×10 living space. But, with some decorating tricks, there are so many fun ways to liven it up and make it your own. Now that I have another daughter ready to head out to college, she is as excited about sprucing up her dorm as her sister was. Here is my daughter’s top tips how to have a dorm room everyone will envy!
Five Fun Dorm Room Accessories
- Message Board: Message boards come in all shapes, forms, styles and sizes. You can opt for a cork board and tack on pictures, magazine clippings, sticky notes, etc. A dry-erase board is also really fun: write-up quick reminders and dates so that you’re on track for all of your college plans and appointments.
- Frame It: Frame some pictures and create yourself a mini-gallery to remind yourself of loved ones and your favorite memories. There are so many gallery wall ideas that you can find online (like on Pinterest). You’ll surely find inspiration somewhere!
- Gear-Up Your Desk: Your desk is probably your strongest point in your dorm room. It’s where all of your college-work takes place! You’ll likely be spending hours at your desk, completing assignments and papers, so you might as well equip it with fun desk accessories like desk pads, file sorters, a cute pencil cup, etc.
- Lap Desk: If you ever do need a break from your desk, consider purchasing a lapdesk. Lapdesks are great when you want to use your laptop while sitting in bed. Many of them even come with cup holders and lights!
- It’s All In The Lighting: Create the perfect ambiance for your room with different types of lighting. We all know how lighting can elevate the mood of a living space, so get creative and see how you can use a variety of light sources to make your room feel both comfortable and beautiful!
The Lava Lamp company has been around since the mid-60s, having created their first motion lamp in 1963. It’s amazing to know that they’re still going strong and that their products are continuously developing in order to match trends and their customer’s needs. I think they add such an interesting dynamic to a room. Caitlin has the Chalkboard Lava Lamp, which is so cleverly designed! Instead of leaving you roomie a message on a Post-It Note, use your Lava Lamp! They definitely make for an interesting conversation starter! This lamp retails for just $21, which I found to be very affordable.
Caitlin also has two sets of the Lava Lamp’s string lights, which she is so excited about. String lights have been trending for the last couple of years and they really do add shine to a room. I could easily picture these string lights in a dorm room: they’re a simple touch that creates a large impact. Caitlin has the Hearts and the Stars, which retail fr just $11 per strand. And the best part? They change colors!! You can follow Lava Lamp on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.