This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine. What is your decorating style? Do you prefer traditional, modern, eclectic or a mixture of different styles? If I had to define my style, it would be mostly traditional with a bit of eclectic and some farmhouse rustic thrown in. But one thing I am certain of is how much I love to fill my home with home decor items that make our space feel inviting, cozy and comfortable. When I find an accessory that is out of the ordinary, I will snap it up in a heartbeat. My new favorite will be yours soon!
I discovered Lightbox Arts and I am obsessed! Their backlit 6×6 LED boxes are a fantastic way to customize your space. Lightbox Arts are a unique way to decorate your home. They offer small lightbox art that fits in any space with any theme. They’re small enough that you can put them on your desk at work, or stack them together for an unforgettable, one of a kind look. They can also be a fun and unique lighting solution for young kids. The light is soft enough that you could also put one in your bathroom as a night light.
You can choose from hundreds of pre-made designs for every season and every occasion. Or you can design your own with an easy to use design tool on their website. You can connect to a Photo Stream or your Instagram library to make any image into a lightbox. They are super easy to change out. There is an opening in the bottom of the box that you slip the artwork in and out of. There is a rubber stopper to keep it in place until you are ready to slip in a new look! The boxes come in brown, white, black and gray and are made from sturdy MDF.
Lightbox Arts’ boxes are eco-friendly thanks to the use of LED lights. You can also change what art you have on display in them means there’s less being thrown away as you change your style. They are available in an array of photos and lettering, so what you put in them is only limited by your your imagination. There are fun designs for the kids, or inspirational quotes for your home or office. If you want to decorate for the holidays, Lightbox Arts has you covered there too!
Decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother’s Day and more. For whatever mood you are in, Lightbox Arts has the artwork for you! And at just $20 for each box and $12 for the artwork, you can easily add to your collection as you see fit. They also make a wonderful housewarming, birthday, or holiday gift. You can purchase yours online at Lightbox Arts as well as over 600 gift stores. Be sure to follow them on Facebook,, Twitter and Instagram. Enter to win a Lightbox Arts LED Art Box & the Grateful Heart Bird and Wish with Snowman Art Panels ARV $45
Aren’t the Lightbox Arts unique? Which artwork would you choose and which room would you put your Lightbox Arts in?