What You Need To Know Before Bringing Home A New Cat

This is a sponsored post brought to you by the new Fresh Step® with the power of Febreze® Hawaiian Alohaâ„¢ scented litter. However, all opinions are 100% mine. I grew up in a menagerie. Our neighbors called my mom “Dr. Doolittle.” I had no idea what that meant. To me, she was my mom. Years later, I realized how fitting the name was. Mom bred, raised and showed Irish Setter dogs. We also had cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, turtles, chickens and an aquarium full of fish. As I got older, mom taught me what you need to know before bringing home a new pet.

What You Need To Know Before Bringing Home A New Cat

A Home With Pets Is A Happy Home

Through the years, I have fostered, rescued and adopted my fair share of pets. When we chose to rent, we knew we would have to adopt smaller pets. The kids have their guinea pig, Reese’s Cup and a hamster named Earl. We also have two rescue cats, Meep and Hazel. They are two sisters who were abandoned by their mother at four weeks. Are you considering a new kitten/cat? Before you bring a new cat into your home, I have some tips for you.

Are you considering a new kitten/cat? Before you bring a new cat into your home, here is What You Need To Know Before Bringing Home A New Cat #ad FreshStepFebreze

Tips For Bringing A New Cat Home

  • Can You Commit To A Pet: Many people jump into getting a pet before researching what it entails. Will your home accommodate your cat? If you rent, are you allowed to have pets? Do you have time to exercise your cat? Do you have the money it takes to care for your new cat? Are you able to give them the time it takes to train them?
  • What Breed Do You Want: My kids wanted a cat when we moved into our new home. We agreed early on, a cat (or two) was a good fit for our family. Before you bring your cat home, research how to care for the special breed. For instance, a Sphynx requires more care than our Meep and Hazel. It is better to know beforehand if it is not a good fit, rather than after you bring it home and fall in love with it!
  • Can You Afford A Pet: Caring for a pet is not cheap! If you adopt your cat, there are fees to do so. If you get a special breed, you will pay the breeder’s fee, which can be quite high depending on the what type of cat you get. Next, you need to get supplies for your new kitten. You also need to take your cat to the vet for their shots. They also need to be spayed or neutered. Keeping your cat healthy will be a continued expense.
  • Pet Proof Your Home: This was news to me! I had no idea you needed to make your home safe for your new cat. If you have cords hanging low, your kitten could get tangled and choked. If you have exposed electrical cords, they can chew them and get hurt. You may have plants that are harmful if ingested, so you’ll need to move them. There are so many more things to do, so get a complete list from your vet. Because we have the litter box in the garage, it was important for us to follow these garage safety tips before we let the kittens in there.
  • Do You Know What Supplies They Need: A new cat will need several items before you get them home. If you adopt your pet, they may come home with basic supplies. If not, buy all you need before you bring your new furry bundle home! You will need a litter box, litter, a scoop, a scratching post, and a bed. They also need food and water bowls, food and toys. Whew! That is a lot of gear, huh?

What You Need To Know Before Bringing Home A New Cat litter 1

Choosing The Right Litter Is Key

When I brought Meep and Hazel home, I bought the first box of litter that caught my eye. What a disaster! We ended up with a litter that did not absorb, did not control the odor and did not clump at all. So, I went to my sister. She has been a cat owner for more than 20 years. She has three cats and her home smells fresh. Her secret weapon? She uses Fresh Step® litter. Of course, if you prefer an unscented litter box, Fresh Step® offers that as well!

What You Need To Know Before Bringing Home A New Cat litter 2

Febreze Keeps My Home Smelling Fresh!

I have been a customer of Febreze for many years. I use it on the furniture, in the kid’s sneakers, my gym bag and in the laundry room. It makes sense it would keep my litter box smelling fresh! The new Fresh Step® with the power of Febreze® Hawaiian Alohaâ„¢ scented litter has superior odor control. You would never know I had two cats in my house! I love the fun new tropical scent! It’s like being in a tropical Hawaiian floral paradise!

Finally! A Litter That Smells Great, Clumps And Has Low Dust!

My other pet peeve about the first litter we bought, was it didn’t clump. What is the point? Thank goodness for the Fresh Step® ClumpLock® Technology and low dust formula. No more coughing when I clean the litter box! Although I clean my litter box every 2-3 days, the Fresh Step litter guarantees you 10 days of odor control! Yay!!

What You Need To Know Before Bringing Home A New Cat pawpoints

Big Savings With Fresh Step!

I love to save money! And with the Fresh Step Paw Points Rewards Program, I save a ton! When you join (it’s FREE!), you earn points. These points translate into free Fresh Step litter, coupons, toys and even help for your local shelter receive free litter, toys and more! You can join through the Fresh Step website You can also download the FREE app by visiting the Apple App Store or Google.

Tracking PixelDo you have a cat? I would love to hear about them! Please share in the comments below!

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