This is a sponsored post and I was compensated. However, all opinions are 100% mine. I love flowers! My mom had a green thumb. We had a back yard full of flowers. We had so many different colors of roses, which were my favorite. They still are. Oh and carnations. If you want to make me happy, send me a bouquet of flowers with those two in there. I will melt. Just like Frosty after he ended up in the greenhouse.
You can top the nice list this Christmas by giving Teleflora Floral arrangements! There is something magical about having a gorgeous bouquet of flowers delivered to your home, office, dorm or wherever flowers can be delivered! Teleflora is the world’s leading floral gifting service for a good reason! If you want to get on someone’s good side, you will Knock their stockings off with any of Teleflora’s new Christmas bouquets! They are handmade and hand-delivered by your local florist.
Imagine my delight when I heard a knock on my door and I saw the Teleflora’s Classic Pearl Ornament Bouquet waiting for me! My local florist went above and beyond with this breath taking arrangement! This is a 2-in-1 gift. Not only do I get these gorgeous flowers, but I get a lovely holiday keepsake as well!
I am in love with the ceramic ornament jar. The tree detail and hand-glazed pearl finish is just beautiful. This unique collectible is perfect for holiday entertaining and displaying your favorite ornaments or sweets. The Teleflora’s Classic Pearl Ornament Bouquet sells for $59.95 on
Another Christmas arrangement from Teleflora is their Winter Pines Centerpiece, which sells for $69.95. This floral arrangement comes with crème roses, fresh holiday greens, festive metallic gold pine cones and ornaments. This stunning floral centerpiece is delivered nestled within an elegant glass bowl adorned with a flurry of snow falling on trees and topped with two red tapered candles that’s perfect for every stylish tablescape. They would look great at your holiday meal!
I am a sucker for anything rustic and vintage. The Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet, which sells for $64.95, is just precious! This charming vintage sleigh bouquet comes straight from St. Nicholas’ Tree Farm. The festive red blooms and the fresh scent of Douglas Fir and cedar is accented with matte copper ornaments and snow-tipped pine cones. It creates the perfect holiday touch to capture all the precious memories of Christmas that will last all season long.
The newest addition to Teleflora’s best-selling Send a Hug® bouquet collection is sure to warm the heart of all your dearest friends. The Send a Hug® Bear Buddy bouquet features a festive cuddly polar bear hugging a hand-blown, frosted glass cube. The cube is filled with a lush array of red and white blooms, and holiday greens, with accents of red berries and snow-tipped pine cones. It is available on for $54.95.
If you are invited to the family meal, you can thank your host with the Woodland Winter Bouquet from Teleflora. This arrangement, which retails for $49.95, will show your love by sharing the magic of Christmas with this enchanting holiday bouquet. The festive floral arrangement glistens within a reflective glass cube with a silver tree silhouette filled with the season’s freshest red and white blooms, Douglas Fir and eucalyptus, and accented with snow-tipped pine cones and silver ornaments.
My mom was a huge fan of Thomas Kinkade. She would have loved the Thomas Kinkade’S Family Tree Bouquet, which retails for $79.95 from Teleflora. This arrangement is a tribute to Thomas Kinkade, in this exclusive, bestselling holiday collection. It brings the heartwarming traditions of a family picking out their perfect holiday tree to life. This hand-crafted, hand-painted holiday scene illuminates and lights up from a string of lights that hangs above the tree farm and inside the tree kiosk. As a collector’s dream, this is the perfect holiday ‘must-have’ to celebrate the timeless holiday tradition of Kinkade.
I have been ordering floral arrangements from Teleflora for years. They are so professional, prompt and their arrangements never disappoint. The
perfect surprise for friends, colleagues and loved ones would be a beautiful holiday floral arrangement. To order a bouquet, hand-crafted and hand-delivered by a local florist anywhere in the country, please visit
Teleflora brings together the time-honored tradition of sending flowers with the modern benefits of an advanced florist network of over 10,000 in North America alone, Teleflora offers personal touches, artistry and expertise. Teleflora’s network of professional florists create artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. With their “Flowers in a Gift” Collection, the recipient will receive a keepsake that turns their bouquet into a lasting memento. Teleflora makes every day an occasion. Follow Teleflora on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.