Parents! Do You Know What Loperamide Dosage Is Safe?

his post was sponsored by Influence Central as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Do You Know What Loperamide Dosage Is Safe?

Do You Know What Loperamide Dosage Is Safe?

Keeping Our Kids Out Of Danger

When my kids were littles, We were on constant watch to keep them out of danger. We locked away chemicals, put up baby gates and made sure the boogie man was not under a bed or in a closet. As they got older, the dangers changed, but our ever watchful eye did not.

The Hidden Dangers Are The Most Terrifying

Have you ever taken a medication when you suffered from a bout of diarrhea? I know I have! Recently, I learned about a risk related to an ingredient in a common OTC medication to relieve diarrhea. This ingredient is called Loperamide.

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What Loperamide Dosage Is Safe?

Loperamide is the active ingredient in many OTC diarrhea relief products. When taken in recommended doses, Loperamide is completely safe.

What you may not know is if it is taken in large doses, it can mimic the effects of opioids. That is so scary, don’t you think?

Got Diarrhea? Take  A Pill To Make It Go Away!

My mom suffered from IBS and she often took products containing Loperamide. When the kids were babies, I had a pediatrician who did not believe in taking OTC medications to relieve diarrhea.

She said they did not treat the underlying cause, and she wasn’t sure of their safety. Who knew she was on to something more than 15 years ago?

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An Active Role …

Because my kids are teens, they are getting to an age where they are craving more independence. On several occasions, I have told them to take something OTC for a headache, an upset tummy or even diarrhea a time or two. Now I am more active in learning about the medications they are taking.

Being More Informed …

One way I am becoming more informed is to see what the FDA has to say. This information they offered on Loperamide was eye-opening. I was encouraged to read they are working with manufacturers to minimize the dangers of overuse of Loperamide. They are urging them to use blister packs or other single dose packaging as well as limit the number of doses in a package.

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What Can You Do?

For myh family, I am going to always check labels when purchasing diarrhea relief medications. I will double check on the proper Loperamide dosage and when in doubt, ask my pharmacist.  The more aware we are of the potential for abuse OTC products with loperamide, the more prepared we could be to stop it.

What Else Can You Do?

I was unaware that people were buying the products containing Loperamide in bulk. And they were doing so relatively cheaply. Young adults can order these products and abuse them by taking too much in order to get high.

This deadly trend can be stopped when parents like you and I get informed, keep a watchful eye and share this information.

Have you heard about the potential dangers of Loperamide? Who will you share this information with?

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