Are You Addicted to Sugar? Take This Quiz To Find Out

Did you know you are probably consuming more sugar than you realize? I found this out the hard way after a routine exam. My blood work came back showing I was pre-diabetic! I was absolutely shocked! My doctor explained diabetes affects 1 in 3 adults during their lifetime and if I didn’t make some changes, I would be one of them. When I had my follow up with my doctor, we found even after cutting back on my sweets, my blood glucose levels were still in the moderate to high range! After doing some research, I found virtually all of the everyday packaged foods I was buying had sugar in them.

Have you ever wondered if you are addicted to sugar? Take this simple quiz to find out

Photo Credit: Kicking it with Kelly

How To Know If You Are Addicted To Sugar

Did you know that most everyday packaged foods have sugar in them? You may be shocked to find out that BBQ sauces hold an approximate 13 grams of sugar per every two tablespoons and your fruit yogurt that sounds so healthy? Oh yeah, try a whopping average of 19 grams per sugar in that snack. Making an Italian dinner? Hold off on that pasta sauce because it will have you engulfing 12 grams of sugar for every half cup of sauce. Now that you have an idea of a few items you enjoy are slowly creating an addiction to sugar, “Are YOU addicted to sugar? Take this quiz and find out!

  1. Do you make special trips to the store just to satisfy your sugar tooth?
  2. Do you have a secret stash of food that no one else knows about?
  3. Are you suffering from obesity, high blood pressure or depression?
  4. Is your body constantly craving salty foods as a means to balance your sugar intake?
  5. Are you consuming a high level of fruits?
  6. Does dessert feel like an uncontrollable need after a meal?
  7. Does your reward for a job well done translate into a sweet snack reward?
  8. Are you unable to quit eating sugary foods?
  9. Do you consume certain foods just to curb a craving, even when not hungry?
  10. Do you feel fatigued from overeating?

Are You Addicted to Sugar book

So I’m Addicted To Sugar…Now What?

If you answered yes to most of these questions than YOU are probably addicted to sugar. But fear not! There is hope at the end of the tunnel, a light there ready to guide you towards sugar detox. Sugar Knockout, by Cherie Calbom, MS, CN, was written as a means to help everyone work towards curing sugar addiction to be healthier and happier. With this book, you can learn how to substitute healthy sweeteners, lose excess weight and feel more energized (without that horrible mid-day slump!)

Are You Addicted to Sugar

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Sugar Knockout book typically retails for $15.00, but for a limited time, you can take a 10% discount off your purchase. And if that weren’t awesome enough, you get an autographed copy of Sugar Knockout! Need more of a boost to curb your sugar addiction? Take the 10 step sugar detox program while reading Sugar Knockout to boost your chances of success. Stay social and like Cherie on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. One USA reader will win a copy of Sugar Knockout and The Juice Lady’s Guide To Juicing for Health, both by Cherie Calbom, ARV $30.

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