6 Simple Changes You Can Make To Be Healthier #ProgressWithProgresso

Since reaching the age of 50, I have done a lot of reflection about my life. I am sure many of you have looked back and wished you had made changes along the way. And I used to be among those who did so. But now, I am not so sure about the line of thinking. I used to wish I could live like I did in my 20’s and 30’s, eating what I wanted, going where I wanted, doing what I wanted. The more I look at it, the more selfish I sound! And to be honest, I was not living the healthy life I wanted to think I did. In actuality, I smoked and ate too much, exercised too little, and overall, lived a quite unhealthy lifestyle.

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Fast forward a few decades and I am about 100 pounds overweight, am out of shape and am not living the most authentic life possible. This year, instead of making a lot of resolutions that I am sure to break, I am going to make easy swaps I can make to live a healthier lifestyle. Once I dug in my heels and made the decision, it was much easier than I thought it would be! Here are 8 ways I am doing this:

If you are ready for a new you for the new year, follow these 6 simple changes to be healthier #ProgresswithProgresso #ad

  1. Choose A Word: Instead of making a bunch of resolutions, I have chosen one word for 2016; HEALTH. I am making changes in all areas of my life that goes with this word. This means healthy eating, thinking, exercising, attitude, etc. You get the picture!
  2. Attitude: I have been reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and I am blown away. This book was on my radar a few years ago, but I didn’t put much thought into it. Now I have changed the way I think, and it has made a huge difference. Gone are the days when I would tell myself I was not going to lose weight, or not going to afford a new car. Now I am thinking as if I already have those things. I have a much more pleasant and positive attitude and I am just excited about what this new year will bring.
  3. Water: I was a diet soda addict for many years and it is just not part of my healthier lifestyle. I have begun to drink filtered water while I am at the gym. When I am at home, I drink my favorite zero calorie flavored water. My skin looks better, I feel better and boy are my kidneys working great!
  4. Sugar: I have also been addicted to sugar for more than 20 years. This is not only processed white sugar, but sugar found in pasta, breads, etc. This unhealthy stuff has no place in a world where HEALTH is your new mantra! I am now eating whole grains, brown rice, etc. and have left behind those donuts, cakes, cookies, etc.
  5. Exercise: I was pretty active in my younger days, but have not worked out regularly for probably 15 or more years. I forgot how great my body felt when I was exercising on a regular basis. I have more energy, am sleeping better and my family is following suit! I am meeting with a personal trainer next week (it’s free at my gym) and look forward to the workout routine she helps me design!
  6. Food: Instead of making a lot of drastic changes in my diet, I am making smart swaps instead. Instead of red meat, I am eating chicken and fish. Instead of ice cream, I am eating yogurt with some dark chocolate granola. Instead of a loaded baked potato or a chicken pot pie, I am swapping them out for the Lite Progresso soups of the same name! With over 10 varieties weighing in at 100 calories or less, I can eat well without packing on the pounds! Now that’s what I call making #ProgressWithProgresso!

6 Simple Changes You Can Make To Be Healthier

I have always loved soup, but I don’t always think to grab a few cans while I am at the grocery store. So many of them are high in fat and calories, it isn’t a smart choice to include them in your diet. With the huge line of Lite Progresso Soups, they are one of the easier changes you can make to be healthier and #ProgressWithProgresso. Some of my new favorites are the Light Chicken and Cheese Enchilada, Light Creamy Potato with Bacon Cheese and the Light Italian Style Meatball. These deliciously indulgent flavors make it easier to make #ProgressWithProgresso!

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I am super excited about the many ways to make #ProgressWithProgresso! You can help meet your New Year’s goals when you stock up at Publix on over 10 Light soups, all 100 calories or less per serving! To make it even more exciting to grab a few of your favorite Lite Progresso soups, through 1/31, you can enjoy $1 off any 4 cans of all varieties of Progresso Light soup. Just head over here and grab your online coupon! To sweeten the deal just a bit more, I am pleased to offer one of my readers $15 in PayPal cash! All you need to do is visit here and leave a comment below telling me which of the Lite Progresso soups you are most excited to try! That’s all!! Good luck!

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