7 Foods that Promote Bone Health

When it comes to bone health, you can incorporate some easy ways to keep them healthy.  I have found 7 foods that promote bone health. Also, two nutrients that play a crucial role in your bone health are calcium and vitamin D.

foods that promote bone health 1

Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D

Getting enough calcium and vitamin D can help improve your bone mineral density, tackle osteoporosis and other bone-related problems. They can also help stimulate healthy bone growth.

When it comes to bone health, you can incorporate some easy ways to keep them healthy.  I found 7 foods that promote bone health you can add to your diet

7 Foods that Promote Bone Health

And what could be a better way to do that than to include more bone health-promoting foods in your everyday meals? These 7 foods are packed with bone health-boosting nutrients that are helping keep mine good and strong!

Foods that Promote Bone Health Salmon

Salmon: Salmon is known to be one of the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids, but that’s not just it, they also give your body more than 100% of your day’s requirement of vitamin D in one 3-ounce piece of salmon- wow right?

Foods that Promote Bone Health milk

Milk: You probably knew this one was going to make it to the list- there’s nothing better than milk which can give your body up to 30% of your daily requirement of calcium.

Three Glasses A Day Promotes Bone Health!

Be sure to choose a brand of milk that’s fortified with vitamin D can give you double the benefits. Getting the recommended 3 glasses a day can be a bit tough, but hey, those smoothie glasses and cereal bowls work!

Foods that Promote Bone Health yogurt

Yogurt: Exposure to sunlight is crucial for the body to get enough of vitamin D, but most of us don’t seem to get enough of it. Including more of fortified yogurt to your diet is a good way to get your body that vitamin D.

A Food That Is Gut And Bone Friendly!

Yogurt can also add calcium for those stronger bones. Plus, yogurt is also packed with gut-friendly bacteria that help improve digestive health and boost immunity. We love to make a yogurt smoothie bowl in our house!

Foods that Promote Bone Health spinach

Spinach: There’s a reason why Popeye loved his spinach so much- and it may turn out to be the best way to get more calcium if you’re not really keen on consuming dairy products. Just a cup of cooked spinach can give you up to 25% of your day’s calcium, fiber, iron, and vitamin A content.

Great Spinach Recipes

I have looked up some great recipes online that are easy and delicious. I even found a few ways to sneak in some into the kid’s meals!

Foods that Promote Bone Health sardines

Sardines: You may be surprised to know that sardines pack in such a good amount of vitamin D and
calcium. They may not look appealing as much as other fishes do, but they can work well in
salads and pasta.

Foods that Promote Bone Health orange juice

Orange Juice: A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice makes for a great start to the day. It also has Vitamin C, which your body needs for collagen. Did you know collagen is good for bone health? 

Packaged Is Great Too!

I just learned some packaged orange juice is often fortified with added calcium, which we already know can make those bones super strong! 

Foods that Promote Bone Health collard greens

Collard Greens: Just like spinach, collard greens are packed full of calcium. A cup of cooked collard greens gives you up to 25% of your day’s requirement of calcium.

If you ask my mother-in-law, she will tell you collard greens are a versatile food. She adds them to her breakfast frittatas. And superstition says they can be lucky too! Lucky for your bones, anyway!

Which of these 7 foods that promote bone health would you add to your diet?

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