5 Simple Ways To Stay Gut Healthy During The Holidays

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NatureMadeProbiotics #CollectiveBias

Have you ever shopped on Black Friday? My mom and I used to get up early and do it every year. One year, I parked in a questionable spot….As we CAME out of the mall, my car was being loaded onto a tow truck.

It was hijacked! It was my fault and I was the only one to blame. This incident is similar to how I “try” to stay healthy during the holidays! It is almost an unwritten law that we are expected to over do it from Thanksgiving to New Years. We throw caution to the wind! We shop too much, eat too much, and party too much at all ages. The snacks I bring for school parties are sugary, the dishes I bring to parties are loaded with carbs and fat.

And then we wonder why our bellies feel awful! Am I right?! That is why I follow these 5 simple ways to stay gut healthy during the holidays.

Stay Gut Healthy During The Holidays

1) Slow Down: From October to January, I am constantly on the go. By the time New Years rolls around, I feel like poop in every way possible and it is harder each year to bounce back! I learned to take the holidays at a slower pace. I plan my gift lists during summer break, shop mainly online and meal plan like crazy. This has been a HUGE help.

2) Drink Up: By this I do not mean tons of alcohol! You need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Our cells, organs and tissues need water. We lose water when we breathe, sweat and digest food. When you drink the proper amount of water, you not only avoid dehydration, but you can also lower stress, constipation, keep your heart healthy and cool down your body. So, keep that water bottle filled and with you at all times!

3) Self Care: Boy is this hard for me! My doctor was wagging his finger at me about this a few months ago! During the holidays, I tend to focus on others and not myself. When I do take some time for myself, it can be super revitalizing!

Self care can be as simple as a cup of hot chamomile tea, a pedicure or reading a chapter or two of that book you bought 6 months ago and haven’t opened up yet! Walking for just 30 minutes can lower your stress and help keep your body functioning properly! Remember you cannot be a good care giver if you don’t take care of yourself!

4) Stay Rested: During the holidays, I am up by 6 am and many nights am not in bed until after midnight. When you don’t get enough rest, it effects many areas of your body. If we lack enough sleep, we can be unfocused during the day. This can be dangerous, especially if you are driving.

Lack of sleep can also up your chances for serious health risks like heart and kidney problems, stroke, and even diabetes (which I was recently diagnosed with). If I don’t get my 8 hours, I am toast!

5) Stay Gut Healthy: When we overindulge in food, drink, late nights and lots of travel while minimize rest, proper nutrition and hydration, our bellies are in an uproar! For many years, I have ignored taking care of my gut and it was not pretty!

I often had diarrhea, upset stomach and was prone to weight gain. I did a ton of research on this and found some great information on the importance of probiotics.

The “Good” Bacteria

I already knew there was a connection between eating less fat and more fiber, drinking enough water, being active and having a healthy gut. What I didn’t know was all bacteria is not necessarily bad! I always thought bacteria was the bodies enemy, when in fact it is an ally!

The “good” bacteria in our gut helps in improved digestion and our overall well being! Another way to stay gut healthy during the holidays and all year round was to incorporate taking a probiotics daily along with exercise, sleeping at least 8 hours a night, staying hydrated, etc.

How I Naturally Support My Digestive Balance

I know I can get the good bacteria from fermented foods like yogurt and certain cheeses. In order to increase my intake of the “good” bacteria, I take a probiotic supplement to help naturally support my digestive balance.†

I have been taking probiotics for about two years now and I see a huge improvement in my gut health. My brand of choice is Nature Made® Digestive Probiotics + Energy‡† B12 Adult Gummies from Walmart. This is a brand I trust and a store I know I will get a trusted low price every day.

One-Two Support For My Body

Each day, I take two Nature Made® Digestive Probiotics + Energy‡† B12 Adult Gummies that I purchased from my local Walmart. I chose this product, because I get the added benefits of Vitamin B12 which supports cellular energy production.† 

It is like a one-two support for my body! What an easy way to stay gut healthy during the holidays! You can get more great information on how probiotics work —> HERE.

I am VERY choosy about the supplements I take. I have researched many brands and Nature Made® always came out on top. This is THE brand you will find in our medicine cabinet! The Nature Made® products are made to the highest quality standards to ensure purity and safety.

That is why I chose to include the Nature Made® Digestive Probiotics with my other daily Nature Made® supplements.

Do you have tips to stay gut healthy during the holidays? Do you take a probiotic daily? I would love to hear in the comments below!

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

‡Vitamin B12 supports cellular energy production

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