Are you Over 50? Five Vitamins You Should Be Taking And Why

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine. Vitamin intake is vital in all stages of life. It’s important to keep a well-balanced diet to obtain vitamins naturally through nourishment but to also take supplements and ensure that you’re getting the proper amount for your age and gender.

Vitamins You Should Take Over 50

By the age of 50, your body goes through many changes, including the increased risk of osteoporosis and menopause in women. More than ever, your body will need its correct daily dose of vitamins. While it’s ideal to try and get it from whole foods like fruits and vegetables, sometimes it’s not enough. We put together a list of vitamins and supplements that are important to when you’re over 50.

Taking the proper vitamins and minerals every day is vital to our health. If you are over 50, this is more important than ever. Are you taking the right vitamins?

  1. Vitamin D And Calcium: By the time we reach 50, our bones become more sensitive and we are more susceptible to bone diseases like osteoporosis. By taking calcium supplements and Vitamin D, you can help your body reduce the risk of accelerated bone loss.
  2. Vitamin B-12: As we age, our stomachs tend to produce less acid, which is key in naturally absorbing B-12 from our food. It’s important to get your daily dose of vitamin B-12 for its benefits in memory and cognitive function.
  3. Vitamin K: Vitamin K can help with bone and blood health – it is the number one vitamin in helping with blood clots. With a lack of vitamin k, even a small cut could end up a big disaster. People with osteoporosis are reported to have low levels of vitamin k, so it’s definitely vital to get in the proper amount once you are over the age of 50.
  4. Coenzyme Q10: This is a vitamin that often goes under the radar but is definitely something worth taking as a supplement – especially for those who are on meds for high cholesterol. Statins are what lowers cholesterol (hence, being found in most cholesterol medications), but also blocks the production of coenzyme Q10. Q10 helps in many things such as producing energy and preventing muscle cramps. Talk to your doctor to see what dosage is best for you.
  5. Vitamin C: Throughout our entire lives, we constantly hear of the benefits of vitamin c. We always talk about eating plenty of citrus fruits since it’s packed with the oh-so-famous vitamin. Vitamin C is great for the immune system and also for the growth and repair of body tissues. It also helps in repairing and maintaining bones, and as we’ve already discussed, is incredibly important once you get to your 50’s.

Vitamins You Should Take Over 50

Throughout this article, we talked about trying to get as many vitamins as you can through both food and supplements. Unfortunately, as we get older, vitamins become more and more difficult to absorb. Luckily, there’s a new vitamin in town: The Right C is an enhanced form of vitamin c that allows itself to be available to our bodies as our bodies need it. Produced by a company located just outside of Arizona, The Right C was developed by a core team of doctors, scientists, clinicians, and researchers. Humans are one of the only species incapable of naturally producing their own vitamin c so it’s important that we obtain enough through food and supplements.

Vitamins You Should Take Over 50 2

Because The Right C features technological advances that allows for vitamin c to be properly absorbed by our bodies, we can finally enjoy its full-on benefits and assure ourselves that we are getting the recommended dosage for our age and gender. What’s even better is that they’re affordable at $34.99 USD a bottle and come in either pill or powder form. For more information, you can visit The Right C and follow them on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

One USA reader will win (2) bottles of The Right C Vitamin C tablets ARV $70

Are you taking vitamins? Which do you feel is the most important to be taking and why?

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